According to the BBC, the Palestinians are regarding the temporary closure of access to Temple Mount as a declaration of war!
This is a little hypocritical, given the Palestinian’s attacks on, and attempted destruction of, Jewish holy sites such as the Tomb of Rachel and the Tomb of Joseph, amongst many others, in the West Bank area. The truth is that the holy Muslim sites on Temple Mount have been preserved and protected by the state of Israel as part of its constitutional guarantee of religious freedom. How many Muslim states have that? In many, possession of a bible is a criminal offence!
It’s also a bit late! The Middle East is divided between Arabs and Jews – the Arabs get 27 out of 28 countries, and an area about that of Western Europe whilst the Jews get one country, about the size of Wales – and the Arab countries have all been formally at war with Israel since 1948 (except for a couple that have signed peace deals since). The fact that the Palestinians are not formally at war is an admission that they do not regard themselves at a state, and, of course, evidence that there was no active concept of a Palestinian state until the late 1960’s. In the 1947/48 war, the Arab countries were fighting not for the Palestinians, but for the Jordanians (the Hashemite Kingdom of Trans-Jordan, population 80%+ Palestinian) and the Egyptians, who wanted the land vacated by the Turks after World War One, when their 1000+ year occupation came to an end.
(Don’t forget that Israel was founded not only Jews wanting a safe homeland after the Holocaust, but also by Armenians wanted to escape from the genocide inflicted on them by the Turks during and after WW1).
Given that the Palestinians have been dedicated to the destruction of Israel for several decades, so it will interesting to note how this new state of war changes things - at least it would mean that the Palestinians recognise that Israel exists!